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"Jordanians Are Shocked -- Shocked! -- That a Wedding Would be Blown Up"
--By Dennis Prager, November 15, 2005

"And why are they shocked? Because the terrorists blew up Jordanians. As long as Islamic terrorists blew up men, women and children who are Jewish, Christian, Hindu, American, Australian and black Sudanese, the Arab and larger Muslim worlds were not particularly disturbed. In fact, Palestinians, who comprise the majority of Jordan's population, celebrated when Jews were blown up at Passover seders and at weddings..."

"...for the time being, the sight of charred and dismembered Arab families at a wedding has trumped the anti-Americanism and anti-Zionism of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's killers."

" "Munder Moomeni, a 38-year-old former soldier who lives next to Zarqawi's house, 13 Ramzi Street, described his former neighbour as 'a bastard.' 'By killing Jordanians here in Jordan, civilian Jordanians going to a wedding, they did something that not even a Jew would do,' "

Personal Note: And this is what is wrong with the Muslim world; they are not shocked at the same atrocities visited upon other peoples by adherents of their own faith. There is something fundamentally wrong with this picture, so wrong in fact that no amount of moralizing can ever justify it or quantify it. No People deserves such treatment, and until Islam enters the rational world, she will always be seen as a rogue religion, and she will continue to be vilified by those who do not share her values-- Which of late seems to include violence, brutality, intolerance, and degradation of women. None of which speaks to a supposed Islamic Enlightenment.

Might I recommend another short read by Dennis Prager?
"Five questions non-Muslims would like answered"


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