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Many have said it already, and more eloquently than I, but it's about damn time the president stood up and called out the biggest bunch of cowards and liars in recent congressional history.

It is not a stretch to claim the Democratic Left is engaged in an effort to re-write the history of this war. It is not a stretch to say they are all liars if they cling to their hackneyed talking points, of "Bush Lied, Bush Mislead, Bush Deceived, Bush Manipulated, Bush Cherry-Picked..." It is not a stretch to say it is the Democratic Left who is guilty of "misrepresenting" and "misleading" and even "manufacturing" evidence against this president. Nor does it take an intellectual genius to see through their subterfuge. It does, however, take a mind willing to honestly weigh the evidence, and sadly, there are exceedingly few on Looney Left so willing.

If President Bush lied, then it must also be true that the Democratic Left is so intellectually deficient as to disqualify them from any further service to this Nation. They should all resign. But that will never happen; they have a war to win, and it's not the same war our troops are fighting overseas. The Left fights a malicious war of hatred and deceit; they are out for revenge, pure and simple. And they are blinded by their hatred. Any man or woman who cannot think, cannot see, and cannot hear truth, has no business serving this country in public office. Nor do they deserve a voice with which to sway the masses with their hate-filled delusions.

The Democratic Left wants to cry foul when their Patriotism is questioned? Well, let's examine their patriotism. They're lying about how and why we went to war in Iraq. They use the body count as a celebratory tool to undermine the war effort. They claim to support the troops, but not the mission...

...and just how does one do that? Support the troops but not the War? By calling the president a monster? By calling him a liar? By casting our military in the mold of a few bad apples at Abu Ghraib? By writing OpEd's about Koran abuse at Guantanamo-- proven to be false --resulting in riots which killed hundreds? By aiding and abetting the enemy in Iraq? For dragging the name of the United States Military, and its Commander in Chief, through the mud in view of the entire world? How does that support the troops? How does San Francisco's refusal to allow the United States Military access to public schools "support the troops"? How does publicly agreeing with the world that America is the worst offender of human rights in the world today support our troops? How does this support our troops who have to live with the consequences of such bilious tripe? Just where, exactly, does their patriotism lie? In supporting our military? Or supporting their own campaign of lies with one goal in mind... To destroy a president they deem illegitimate?

You're damned right I question their patriotism! If anyone deserves to be "frog-marched" in handcuffs out of any building, it's the unpatriotic, and treasonous Democratic Left!

...and Joe Wilson. Now there's a liar!

You want to prove you're patriotic? Stop celebrating "milestone" benchmarks in the loss of American men and women serving their country. A country, I might add, YOU claim to love.


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