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That was Skynyrd, by the way. It seemed apropos... and I do live in Alabama.


It was the 11th night of rioting and attacks in and around Paris last night. Turn on almost any broadcast or cable newscast and you'll hear all about it. Thousands of busses and cars have been burned. Police are being shot at. Paramedics are being attacked. By who? By "youths." That's pretty much it. All of this trouble is being caused by "youths." Now that we've reached the 11th night of this violence, you will hear the occasional newscaster actually say the "M" word. Every once in a while ... but very sparingly ... someone will breach the walls of political correctness and actually let you know that these "youths" are Muslims. French police have discovered a bomb-making factory in Paris. These rioters are chanting "It's Baghdad here." France, the leader of the Axis of Weasels, is under attack. Paris, home to those who condemned America for removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq, is under siege -- by Muslim jihadists -- by the very people France tried so hard to protect and appease....

Continued at


  1. Anonymous said...
    If this man can decide that muslims need taking action against due to the riots, beheading and missile attack.... then it is fair that muslims can take action and riot against france for recieving racism, oppression and inequality.

    Obviously, the latter would not be accepted and should not be promoted, so neither should the former!
    Anonymous said...
    As I commented on another post, there are a lot of reactionary people out there. I'm trying to not be one of them.

    "Obviously, the latter would not be accepted and should not be promoted, so neither should the former!"

    Thanks for keeping me in check.

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