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"...disaffected Muslim youths demonstrate and challenge authority." In my neck of the woods, we call 11 nights of burning vehicles, buildings, beating civilians, and setting people on fire, Chaos... Rioting; and the "youths"... uncivilized, barbarous, criminals.


  1. Anonymous said...
    Such a view is a prime example of the one-sideness biasedness emanating from some people and places. On one hand, Muslim youths amongst others are evidently violent thugs or acting like it. On the other hand, what type of brutality and offensive have they received for them to act and react in this way?
    Anonymous said...
    Two very good questions. Questions I honestly hadn't considered.
    Anonymous said...
    Also, my point, though it may have gotten lost along the way, was Mr. Schieffer referring to the chaos of rioting, burning cars, etc., to youths "demonstrating" and "challenging authority". It is slightly more than that.

    The fact that the youths are Muslim was not an issue as far as I was concerned. My disdain was for Schieffer's mischaracterization of events.
    Anonymous said...
    That the youths are of Middle Eastern and African descent and Muslim is, indeed, precisely the point. They are rioting and so forth because they feel marginalized by the society in which they live, and they believe it's because of their ethnic origin. Their means of expressing their anger is an unacceptable measure, but we must understand, that - from their vantage point - race does play a part.

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