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on the death of Senator Eugene J. McCarthy, 89, on Saturday, December 10, 2005...

"As a senator, Mr. McCarthy was an unabashed liberal unafraid to take on Sen. Joseph McCarthy (R-Wis.) and his alarmist warnings about the communist menace. More often, Mr. McCarthy was viewed by peers as something of a ruminator and a curmudgeon."

Only one problem... Joseph McCarthy died in 1957, a year before Eugene McCarthy was elected to the Senate.

The problem is with the title 'Senator'. As a 'Senator' Eugene McCarthy never 'took on' Senator Joseph McCarthy. But as a Congressman, well, that's a horse of a different color... Congressman Eugene McCarthy may very well have been an unabashed liberal, unafraid to take on Senator Joseph McCarthy.

And the Media wonders why we have a problem with their "credibility".


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