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How is this image of Emperor Nero any different than Governor Blanco? Aside from the fact that Rome Burned, and New Orleans Drowned?

Blanco Orders Remodeling Just After Storms
Office tab: $564,838

By Mark Ballard
The Advocate, Baton Rouge, LA

"Shortly after the two hurricanes, Gov. Kathleen Blanco decided to renovate some of her staff's offices. At the time of her decision, Blanco also was hinting at deep budget cuts to state programs and the possibility of laying off 20 percent of the state workforce.

"The project cost $564,838..."

Other considerations & their associated "costs":

--The state budget will be about $1 billion short because of damages
   caused by hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

--The budgets supplying money for public health care and education
   would need cuts of 20 percent or more and that more than 18,000
   state employees would have to be laid off.

Granted, there's nothing wrong with wanting to remodel. But the appearance of insensitivity is astoundingly huge, especially considering the loss of state revenue and jobs. 18,000 state employees may be laid off, while flat screen televisions & Swedish granite countertops are installed... Not necessarily excessive opulence, but certainly poor judgment, especially in light of recent revelations of Blanco's greater concern for the "appearance of rolling up ones sleeves" during Katrina, rather than actually rolling up said sleeves.

Louisiana Dems-- with the exception of Mayor Nagin, he's not likely to go anywhere, and I'm all for giving some people second chances --had better hope Katrina Evacuees return before the next election cycle. Louisiana may very well go to the Red otherwise.

And would that be a bad thing?


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