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How I Got to 235

"Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin."

--James 4:17

For me, I know it is good to avoid sugar; I should not have eaten those two scoops of world class chocolate from Baskin Robbins this afternoon. That is my sin.

Diabetes is a condition I am presently trying to beat. For those sceptics out there, diabetes is not a disease so much as it is a word that describes a set of conditions brought on by poor lifestyle choice. Type II diabetes is therefore very curable, or at least manageable to the point that meds and complications such as... oh, I don't know... Amputation? Blindness? Can be avoided.

Today, after a Double Quarter Pounder w/Cheese [I had intended to eat just the meat and cheese... no bun, and this would have been okay] but I decided, against the voice in my head repeating James 4:17, to get some ice cream. Well! You can't very well have ice cream before a cheese burger, and you can't very well eat a bunless burger while driving to Baskin Robbins [it's just too messy], so I ate the burger bun and all [less messy], then proceeded to eat two scoops of ultra-rich-and-filled-with-far-too-much-sugar Ice-Cream.

Less than an hour later, I'm feeling sluggish, tired, weak... not good at all. I test my blood and its sitting at 235-- normal sugar levels range between 80 and 110 --which forces me to take more medication; the very substance I'm trying to free myself of. And one pill won't be enough. At 8pm I take one, and by 8am-- when I'm supposed to take my next daily dose --I'll have to take another. On top of that, I have a 15 hour work day ahead of me, and I'm going to be a physical wreck...

Forgive me Lord, for failing you, and failing myself. Strengthen me, and comfort me through this process of healing my body. Heal my spirit as well Lord, and lead me in the way everlasting. In Jesus' name.


UPDATE: 3 and a half hours later my sugar tests at 169... Still not good. It'll creep back up by morning, probably to around 190. It's harder to get it out than it is to put it in. What else is new?


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