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In a society increasingly tuned to pop culture-- and not much else --what happens after 24 gives us 3.25 seasons of a strong Commander in Chief, and then [thus far] aproximately 1.25 seasons of a weak and craven Commander in Chief. Will the "in tune" voting public learn from the example of a weak president on a television show, and vote for the candidate they perceive to be the strongest?

Seriously. If Geena Davis as "Commander in Chief" is supposed to be a blueprint for a Hillary Clinton Presidency-- the ultimate Liberal wet dream, why can't 24 be the blueprint for the avoidence of panty-waisted crybabies like Al Gore, and John Kerry?

--I don't include Hillary in that because she is panty waisted, and she doesn't stand a snowball's chance in getting elected in the first place.


  1. Anonymous said...
    Oh, come on, Lash...

    You know who wears the pants in the Clinton Family...

    Bill can't keep his on, and Hillary never takes her's off!!
    Anonymous said...
    And nothing proves how much of a panty-waist someone is like actually going into a war zone voluntarily.
    Anonymous said...
    You mean like fabricating injuries or injuring ones self to get a Purple Heart?

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