In a society increasingly tuned to pop culture-- and not much else --what happens after 24 gives us 3.25 seasons of a strong Commander in Chief, and then [thus far] aproximately 1.25 seasons of a weak and craven Commander in Chief. Will the "in tune" voting public learn from the example of a weak president on a television show, and vote for the candidate they perceive to be the strongest?
Seriously. If Geena Davis as "Commander in Chief" is supposed to be a blueprint for a Hillary Clinton Presidency-- the ultimate Liberal wet dream, why can't 24 be the blueprint for the avoidence of panty-waisted crybabies like Al Gore, and John Kerry?
--I don't include Hillary in that because she is panty waisted, and she doesn't stand a snowball's chance in getting elected in the first place.
You know who wears the pants in the Clinton Family...
Bill can't keep his on, and Hillary never takes her's off!!