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Virginia Gov. Timothy M. Kaine (D) Posted by Picasa

"The federal government should serve the American people. But that mission is frustrated by this Administration's poor choices and bad management."

How curious... You choose to castigate 'this Administration' for its failures in the aftermath of Katrina, while giving the state and city governments of Louisiana a free pass?

"As Americans, we do great things when we work together. Some of our leaders in Washington seem to have forgotten that."

How refreshing! A democrat admitting his party's inability to play nice, and all-around poor sportsmanship!

"No matter what political philosophy you hold, or what state you call home, you have a right to expect that your government can deliver results. When there's a crime or fire, you expect that police and firefighters have the tools to respond. When there's a natural disaster, you expect a well-managed response." [Emphasis Added]

Oh, this just gets better and better!

"Over the past five years, we've gone from huge surpluses to massive deficits. No parent makes their child pay the mortgage. Why should we allow this Administration to pass down the bill for its reckless spending to our children and grandchildren?"

And yet you're willing to let our children pay into a corrupt and doomed Social Security System? Talk about reckless!!! As for your 'huge surpluses'... Smoke and mirrors! Those 'surpluses,' like every American's monthly social security "donation" was spent the moment it hit the bank. But since the surplus was only on paper to begin with, it amounts to a big fat ZERO in any real, physical, brick and mortar, bank.

"There's a better way. Two years ago in Virginia, Democrats and Republicans worked together to reform our budget. By focusing on results, we were able to keep the budget balanced, preserve Virginia's strong credit rating, and protect the essential services families rely on: education, health care and law enforcement. States all across this country are doing the same thing, as the federal government falls further and further into debt."

That's because our failed public education system has raised a couple of generations of irresponsibles who demand Government pay for everything! Whatever happened to personal responsibility? What happened to self-sufficiency? Democrats stole it all, and replaced it with a big fat lump of coal. Merry Christmas, everyone!

"We now know that the American people where given inaccurate information about the reasons for invading Iraq. We now know that our troops in Iraq were not given the best body armor or the best intelligence. We now know that the Administration wants to cut tens of thousands of troops from the Army and National Guard and Reserves at the very time America is facing new and dangerous threats. And we now know the Administration wants to further reduce military and veterans' benefits."

Inaccurate does not speak to malice, sir. American troops have the best armor in the world... Ditto on the intelligence! The Administration wants to cut...? The Administration, indeed Republicans, want to build up the Military... It's no where near as strong as it needs to be. It's democrats who have consistently and insistently butchered and hamstrung the United States Military's ability to fight a war; killing weapons programs, reducing troop levels, cutting research and development... All democratic policies. Republicans are trying to fix what Dems have tried their level best to break!

"When it comes to energy, Americans are using more than ever, paying more for it, and are more dependent on the Middle East than ever before... There's a better way. Last summer, I joined Democrats in Washington and in other states in calling on oil companies to share in our sacrifice and return some of their record-breaking excess profits."

The price of oil is high because the supply is limited, and the demand high! You'd beggar the American People with higher taxes and no solution to the Social Security crisis, AND hit them even harder by requiring Oil Companies to "return" "excess" profits? "Return" makes it sound as if the gains were ill-gotten! And how are record breaking profits an "excess"? By it's very definition ANY profit could be considered "excess"! Furthermore, by demanding Oil Companies give back profits, (and to whom, by the way? Spend thrift Democrats?) you further guarantee the gasoline consumer pays even more at the pump. Those profits you greedy guts lust after go to fund research, exploration, and development of new fuel sources!

"The better way is to focus on service. It's about measuring what we do in terms of real results for real people. It's not about partisanship or political spin. It's about protecting the rights endowed by our Creator; fulfilling the principle of equality set out in our Declaration of Independence; ensuring that the light of liberty shines on every American."

You recognize a creator? Do you also recognize the right of the unborn to arrive safely, alive and wanted-- by someone --to grow up and prosper in this great shining nation you wistfully speak of? The principle of equality? You mean when Dems stood against the abolition of slavery? You mean when they instituted the Jim Crow laws? When they filibustered the Civil Rights act? When they illegally tapped the phone lines of one Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.? The light of Liberty!?! For whom? Certainly not for your new plantation of welfare slaves! Hypocrites!!!

"If we want to replace the division that grips our nation's capital, we need a change. Democrats are leading that reform effort, working to restore honesty and openness to our government, working to replace a culture of partisanship and cronyism with an ethic of service and results."

Restore honesty and openness... Lets start by replacing Senator's Reid, Kennedy, Kerry, Durbin, Representatives Murtha, Pelosi, and every other Idiotarian in Democrat clothing. Oh, and let's not forget that mental giant Howard Dean!!!

okay. calm down, Eric...

It takes a lot of nerve to speak of replacing partisanship, especially in light of the Democratic attempt at an Alito filibuster, and Democratic attempts to smear the name of a good man and jurist, simply because you want to continue allowing the butcher of innocent unborn children. You can't fool me! Abortion is the only real plank on the Democratic platform...

"ARRGH!!! And I hope t'see ye walkin' that plank too, me hearties!"

If this is the best the Left had to offer... I'm not impressed.


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