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The art of Rhetoric as it is practiced by today's political and media elite, is a pale imitation of what the art was once purported to be; and a false god if ever there was one. Today very few practitioners whose careers depend on the effective use of rhetoric, actually employ it. It is called rhetoric, but it is not the product of any one speaker's original thought, it is groupspeak-- parrots parroting platitudes and prophesies. And like parrots, sometimes it's necessary to throw a towel over the cage.

There are a few obvious exceptions -- exceptions no one can honestly deny... Victor Davis Hanson. William F. Buckley. Christopher Hitchens. Ann Coulter. That last one, I know, will cause a few eyebrows to rise up in protest. But seriously, Miss Coulter's use of language and wit, is matched by only a very select few. Charles Spurgeon was one such Master of Rhetoric. Ben Stein, though somewhat droll in his delivery is another name worthy of entrance to that august body of orators. Don't see your favorite here? I'm willing to entertain nominations to this short list of "Masters of the art of Rhetoric."

98% of ALL politicians fail miserably the original thought test. It often seems that both Democrats and Republicans get together in separate undisclosed locations, and with the use of focus groups and a little game I like to call "Barnstorming for Banalities," they each come up with idiot-proof phraseologies that will win them public support for whatever crisis du jour they each succeed in adding to the political menu. The worst part is, the Media buys into it, parroting the parrots, and creating in the minds of sheep a picture that is not only untrue, but deceitfully so.

Yeah, I guess you could say I'm soured on Media and politics-- it's become so overwhelming. And though I still like who I like, I'm so very tired of the whole News-Cycle Merry-go-Round.

Blogging is not easy. Especially when you put too much of yourself into it.


  1. Anonymous said...
    I have one more to add...

    Author, Cormac McCarthy, for his novel Blood Meridian.

    The absolute best western I have ever read, and the most horrifying and enthralling journey into the soul of violence I have ever... ever experienced.
    Anonymous said...
    Mark Steyn. Hands down. Hitchens and Coulter, though very skilled, are more polemicists then rhetoriticians. The one is "you're so wrong" - the other is "I'm so right". Right?
    Anonymous said...
    We seem to be running on the same biorhythms - cf my "A Work in Progress."

    Anonymous said...
    Wow. Deep thoughts. Well, that's why I read your stuff.

    If I understand you correctly, you correctly point out that most of the politicians and pundits seem to settle on certain catch phrases to elucidate their points. That is true. They are called talking points, and both Republicans and Democrats recieve them in memos on a routine basis.

    The best way to illustrate this, is when Rush Limbaugh plays montages of the latest catch phrases on his show. Even on the very first breaking news, all the reporters seem to come up with the exact same phrasology every time.
    Anonymous said...
    Correct. As I said, this is not Rhetoric... it's Parroting. What I find most astounding about this however, is the fact that none of these "parrots" seem to recognize the fact that theirs is a less-than-original thought, or commentary. Perhaps they DO recognize it but are simply unwilling to admit it. If this be the case it only makes their crime all the more reprehensible.

    Very few people, or so it seems, has any ability to think for themselves these days. If it were otherwise, Congress would not have been allowed to subvert the Constitution, and the Press would not have been able to effect what is-- in effect --the largest re-education camp in modern history. What was it Nietzsche said...?

    "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."


    We have what we have in America today for this very reason.
    Anonymous said...
    I am undergoing some personal problems right now, in case you didn’t already know. So I have had little time to visit blogs. I barely have time to post on my own. I just want you to know I still read your blogposts if not everyday, at least every other day. Bear with me while I deal with my problems. I will soon be back blogging with passion as I have in the past.

    If you visit some of the blogs I also visit, you will see this same comment.

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