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Two Articles...

One to Inflame Passions.....
Doug Giles says, "A Christian can be a Christian or a Liberal, but not both."

One to Offer Hope.....
Hal Lindsey says, Buckle you chin-straps. It's T-Minus "even at the door," and counting."


  1. Anonymous said...
    Doug Giles? Never heard of him. Read his column. No passions here. What-EVER. He's wrong. I'm a Christian. I'm politically liberal and my doctrine is the liberal doctine of Jesus: Hit your knees; love God with heart, soul and mind, love your neighbor as yourself. All else is church bureaucracy.

    Hal Lindsey: He was wrong in the '70s with The LGPE and he's just lurchin' along now, makin' a living.

    No offense intended. Just don't think either of them have much insight. So sayeth the priesthood of this believer.
    Anonymous said...
    True... Hal Lindsey and others have proven to be wrong on several points. Not to defend him, but LGPE was not written as a work of prophesy... ON prophesy most certainly, but not of. I still found it a fascinating read, as well as "Satan is Alive and Well on Planet Earth."

    I actually think he does have some measure of insight. As to how much, well, we could argue about it, but why bother? There are more important things we both could be doing. As brothers in Christ we should be working together, right?

    I also found your own bit of insight to be quite intriguing...

    "And it's idolatry, in my view, to expect the Bible, as we know it today, to be anything other than a guide..."

    To worship a bible more than God... well, that seems to fit the definition of idolatry, but I do think the bible is more than a mere guide. The very word, "guide" isn't strong enough to describe what the scriptures are to the believer. Without the Bible no Christian today could know, with any certainty, that they are indeed children of the Most High God. Nor would they know for certain who it was that ransomed their souls, and gave them everlasting life. Remember, 2 Timothy 2:15 says, "study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."

    As to bureaucracy... this is exactly why I'm finding it difficult to feel welcome in church. It seems too ritualistic. Nothing is spontaneous. Everything appears to be only for appearances sake. I don't own a suit, and refuse to waste money on one... but without one I'm neither taken seriously, or acceptable. At least, I'm not made to feel that way.
    Anonymous said...
    Re, "Without the Bible no Christian today could know, with any certainty, that they are indeed children of the Most High God."

    Well, faith comes by *hearing* not reading! My relationship with God started at the end of a *sermon* that I'd heard, not words I'd read. For hundreds of years, believers found Christ despite their illiteracy!

    I love the Bible. But the Bible didn't *save* me. It was the Spirit of God riding on the testimony of another who did -- a preacher in my case, but another, nonetheless.

    I am absolutely certain that you wouldn't like, approve or even consider the church I go to Christian, so I won't recommend the denomination.

    I do think it's crucial to have regular fellowship with other believers -- and I say that six months into my return to regular churchgoing after several years of *not* going.

    Based on what you said, I think you should consider the Salvation Army. It's a church, as well as a charity -- and talk about putting feet to the faith!

    Or, if there is a homeless ministry where you live, there probably are a few people who make up a church at the core of it. Check it out.

    (Didn't say Hal Lindsey didn't have insight, and I ate those books up when I was in high school and wearing "Yosemite Sam "Turn or Burn" T-shirts and all that crap; I just don't *care* about *end times* any more. Today is the day the Lord has made! I will rejoice and be glad in it!)
    Anonymous said...
    For clarifications sake... without the bible what would preacher know to preach? The scriptures have not been handed down mouth to mouth, but rather, copy to copy. However, you are right,

    "Faith cometh by hearing..."

    but lest we forget,

    "...and hearing by the word of God."
    Anonymous said...
    Yes, but again, I do not equate the "word of God" with "the Bible." The word of God is reflected in the Bible.

    And the fact is, there were no copies outside of monasteries for hunfredsa and hundreds of years -- and I'm not ready to cast medieval believers into hell for their illiteracy. :-)
    Anonymous said...
    Read the Doug Giles thing. It might make good political propaganda, but Doug's judgments about who he thinks are Christian and who are not hold zero religious value.
    Anonymous said...
    El, try a church that takes a strong stand on the 1611. Have you attended any independent Baptist churches in your area? Find a church that does not have monthly Wednesday night business meetings. Find one that puts high value on door-to-door soul-winning. Find one that has an agressive missionary program--locally and world-wide--that follows the same doctrinal, operational, and autonomous principles that the church, itself, does.
    Find a church that is not afraid to call sin what it is. Find a church that is morally soound. Find a church that holds the Bible as its standard of authority.
    Anonymous said...
    Re, "Find one that puts high value on door-to-door soul-winning."

    Been there, done that.

    Better: Find one with members who put the highest value on living the Christian life, which boils down to:

    Love God, love your neighbor (friend, stranger, enemy, compadre, competitor, peer, terrorist, ally) as yourself, love yourself with the confidence that comes from knowing that God's love for us is immeasurable and irrepressible -- and leave "original sin" and that guilt in the smoldering trash heap at the edge of town (hell), where it belongs!

    It's a pretty simple faith, but extremely hard to live in practice, which is why there's grace.
    Anonymous said...
    Thank you both for the advice. It is greatly appreciated.

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