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To everyone's satisfaction a new treaty has been agreed upon and will be ratified by December. This time by parliamentary ratification rather than national referendums-- All but Ireland that is, whose constitution requires a national referendum.

The real power in this new treaty seems to have been solidified in the European Commission-- it has never centered in the six-month rotating presidency, which has now been done away with. Parliamentary elections determine the make up of this body. The European Council however is the driving force of the EU, and once the President is chosen he then chooses his Vice-Presidents (plural), all without a single citizen of Europe voting (for the governing council appointments)... this is an unelected body, with the President chosen by the Commission-- how scary is that?

The only snag in the newly agreed upon 'Treaty of Lisbon' appears to be Ireland which again, by the terms of its own Constitution, must hold a referendum which will likely be next summer. With an eye for implementation on January 1, 2009, the 27 member states have a year to approve this new treaty.

Assuming this is accomplished. Europe will surpass the United States in 'Superpower' status. The Euro has already surpassed the Dollar-- countries are beginning to trade in their Dollars for Euros. What happens when Europe has its own standing army?

What I see--

The United States, seeing the success and meteoric rise of its economy, will advance the idea of a North American Union (more than they already are... it takes a village, after all). Citizens of the U.S. will eventually see a need to compete globally, which they will no longer be able to do once Europe gets to full steam. The United States of America will become the United States of NORTH America, and the Dollar will be replaced with the Amero.

And this 232 year old Republic will cease to be.

I know, I know... I'm absolutely crackers! It can't possibly, ever-in-a-million-years, happen.

But the very fact that Hillary has quite a bit more than a ghost of a chance of winning the AMERICAN presidency... With the stroke of 27 pens, the Democrats have become, inarguably, the most dangerous political group in America.


  1. Dan Trabue said...
    I halfway agree with you, on this Eric.

    Bill Clinton was a globalist who instigated NAFTA - much to the consternation of so-called "liberals" across the continent - and, in so doing, began ceding some national sovereignty away to Corporations.

    His legacy has continued with vigor with the Bush Administration and their multiple FTAs they have tried to force down the throats of many Latin American nations.

    Fortunately, some mavericks (Hugo Chavez, for instance) have helped rally Latin America against this power play.

    So, perhaps you can join with we progressive-types and even the Hugo types in opposing this sort of globalization and ceding of power and sovereignty away from the States and to Corporations?
    Dan Trabue said...
    Where I disagree, is that I don't think our Republic will cease to be. It will just cease having national sovereignty.

    The Reagan/Bush/Clinton/Bush types have learned that there's no need for a violent overthrow of nations when a kinder, gentler economic coup works even more effectively.
    Dan Trabue said...
    …and I don’t think we’ll even lose all national sovereignty – just the ones that interfere with corporations.

    So, how about that?! Two posts in a row where I mostly agree with you.

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