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Drugs MAY have been responsible...
[Lots of traffic on this story. I had trouble getting through.]

Very good actor, despite Brokeback Mountain. How very sad that someone as talented as Mr. Ledger felt the need to resort to drugs.


  1. Mark said...
    If I were an actor, I wouldn't play a homosexual at any price. Heath Ledger, I guess, was a pretty good actor, though I'm no expert. But an actor that plays a homosexual will always have to fight accusations that he's gay the rest of his carreer as a result. The same with Ledger. The first thing I thought when the news started trickling in about his death, was "he must have died of AIDS".

    When I told my son about his death, he said, "Who cares? he was just a queer anyway." (I have to work harder on teaching him respect for life) But you see how playing a role can create a stigma.
    Eric said...
    I never once thought he was gay. Nor do I have the slightest desire to see Brokeback Mountain-- seeing men smooch just doesn't floar my boat. But apart from The Patriot (it's hard to be seen as a good actor when you're being upstaged by Mel Gibson) Mr. Ledger did a fantastic job on The Four Feathers... THAT one is my favorite.
    Marshal Art said...
    Despite the music that played against the era depicted, I enjoyed "A Knight's Tale". I dig castles and such.
    Eric said...
    Yeah, A Knight's Tale was pretty cool despite Queen and David Bowie. The character of Geoffrey Chaucer stole the show. Heath just looked good in "Plate and Cod."
    Erudite Redneck said...
    "But an actor that plays a homosexual will always have to fight accusations that he's gay the rest of his carreer as a result."

    Only from the hateful.

    And, Mark, like father like son.

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