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Rushing the Vote

Black News, African American Issues

Rush the Vote -
Rush Limbaugh Provides Viable Strategy for Black Voters

From an ethical standpoint the crossover vote inspired by Rush Limbaugh aiding Hillary Clinton and potentially undermining the candidacy of Barack Obama is at a minimum offensive. Thinking more long-range I would argue that it is time for Black America to embrace and adopt the strategy. Paying homage to one of the more effective proponents it should be known as “Rushing the Vote.”

Republicans will no longer be able to ignore the Black vote if even 10 or 20% of us crossover - Rush the Vote – to decide the Republican nominee or wreaking havoc in their primaries. It will also break the stronghold that the Democratic Party has had for far too long proving that our vote should not be taken for granted.

If for any reason Barack Obama is not the Democratic presidential nominee Black voters will have a perfect opportunity to Rush the Vote in November and we will be credited with the McCain victory.

It should be noted that Black Republicans such as WAOK’s Shelley Wynter have advocated this sort of swing strategy for years. Now that the effectiveness was proven in Texas and Ohio let’s plan to Rush the Vote whenever it is in our best interest.

It was okay for Democrats to cross the aisle early on and decide the Republican nominee, but now many Democrats are decrying Rush's suggestion that Republicans do the same in Ohio and Texas. Well, what's good for the goose...

Here then is an African American woman who suggests Blacks to the same come November if Obama is not the Democrat nominee-- if Hillary, by virtue of her cabal of super-delegates, steals the nomination.

Hell hath no fury as a minority scorned!


I am increasingly hopeful for a Republican win in November


  1. Marshal Art said...
    "I am increasingly hopeful for a Republican win in November."

    As are all good people of reason. I have decided that a 50% conservative is far better than a 0% conservative. Thus, I will back McCain come November '08.

    As for the Rush the Vote gambit, I like it. As long as it abides state voting laws, I say one can use one's vote in whatever way one sees fit. I don't see anything unethical within that parameter. The goal is to help the party of choice succeed. Anything legal is fine by me. It actually shows a bit of paying attention to know how to use such a vote.
    Anonymous said...
    You are so right. There is no wrath like that of a minority scorned. HA!
    Al-Ozarka said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.

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