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Spring Cleaning

And let's get one thing straight right here and now.

There. Is. No. Such. Thing. As. "The. Black. Church."

None whatsoever. There is only ONE Church, and you either are, or aren't a member. Your membership in the only TRUE church is not predicated upon the color of your skin, the color of your neighborhood, the color of your heart, the color of your faith, the color of your dogma, or the color of your pastor. It is based solely on the color of the shed blood of Jesus Christ.

If you make it to heaven, you won't see a single Baptist, Episcopal, Presbyterian, Anglican, Universalist, Unitarian, Emergent, Oprah-Tolle, whatever. All you will find are children of God.

Jeremiah makes the grave error of establishing a "Black Church" either in reality or in his and the minds of his followers. The media allows Wright and Obama both to paint their critics as racist, but there is nothing racist about attacking the Black Church, when the racism exists within the minds of Wright and all those who cling to the false god they've erected and labeled "the Black Church." They are the racists for creating an unscriptural division within the body of Christ.

You cannot make me or any rational thinker believe that Barack Obama did not know who and what Jeremiah Wright was before today. Nothing Wright said the last three days is any different than what he's said in the last twenty years.

At question is NOT the color of Obama's skin, the color of his pastor, or the color of his church. It's the color of his judgment. A few weeks back Obama says he can no more disown Wright than he can disown the black community. Now that he's not only disowned Wright, but threw him under the bus as well, will he now disown the black community? Look at Al Sharpton! He's accused Obama of grandstanding "in front of white people."

So... first Obama wasn't black enough [according to race-pimp Sharpton], then he's 'the Black man's dream come true,' and now he getting uppity in front of white folk.

America is divided enough as it is. Obama as president will only deepen the racial divide. The spector of Wright, however fair or unfair it may be, hangs like a pall over Barack's head.


  1. Erudite Redneck said...
    Easy to say for a white guy.
    Anonymous said...
    Rev. Wright isn't the democratic presidential nominee. He isn't running for any office. But boy howdee. He's just too good a stick for you conservatives to pass up. You keep shouting about his views, so you can insinuate that Barack Obama is unamerican, and radical. It's cheap and dishonest.

    If you want to come at this from a religious perspective, why don't you go beyond what political commentators are saying? Go to an AME church this Sunday. Interview a black pastor, or congregation member. You know several black christians. Find out what they think. That would be original, and forward-moving of this issue you seem to be stuck on.

    When all you can do is keep harping on it from a political perspective, you seem like a right-wing political sheep.
    Eric said...
    The AME is not "Black Liberation Theology"
    Eric said...
    "Rev. Wright isn't the democratic presidential nominee."

    Neither is Barack Obama... yet... if ever.

    "He isn't running for any office."

    No, but Barack is. Barack sat twenty years unmoving on a pew listening to Reverend Wright. How much of Black Liberation Theology informs Barack's world-view? Wright, however, is just the latest demonstration of Barack's poor judgment skills. And anyone who says they wouldn't call to question McCain's judgment if the situation was reversed is a first class liar and hypocrite.

    No, Wright isn't running for President, but twenty years of Barack nodding in affirmation during sermons, and 10's of thousands of dollars given to a church that espoused this kind of vitriolic hatred, most surely calls into question his ability to make sound judgments.
    Anonymous said...
    Obama only got "outraged" when Wright implied that he was being political and/or lying. He wasn't outraged at the foolish things Wright said for 20 years.

    The "real" church is made up of those who trust in the real Jesus for their salvation and follow him. Be wary of any church that claims to be the "one true church."
    Mark said...
    And now the Obamaniacs who justified Wright's inflammatory statements when Obama defended them are going to have to back up and repudiate them because he did. By their own lemming-like devotion to Obama, they are admitting he has poor judgment in choosing associates, and thus cannot be President of the United States.
    Mark said...
    When I heard Obama throw Wright under the bus, my first thought was two words: "Damage Control".
    Al-Ozarka said...
    "It's cheap and dishonest. "-BenT

    You got that half-right, BenT. An improvement, I guess.

    It IS cheap...because it IS true. is it dishonest?

    I submit that it is dishonest, BenT, for Obama to suggest that he didn't know the "real" Jeremiah Wright until recently.

    He's the same bigoted America-hater he was twenty years ago.

    "Easy to say for a white guy" -Reverend Redneck

    That's a pretty racist, bigoted thing to say for someone so pious, ER.
    Erudite Redneck said...
    Get behind me, Dad.
    Al-Ozarka said...
    I can't get behind you. Choose someone else for support.
    Al-Ozarka said...
    Trabue...that's the guy you need to ask.

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