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This ordinary boy [Obama] just might be the first president in the history of the United States to have a black woman sleeping at 1600 Pennsylvania legally."

Racism. Alive and well in the heart of Obama's spiritual mentor.


  1. Eric said...
    That's Wright! Jerry called Barack "boy." Further, he differentiated between Michelle being a "black woman" and the "boy" being something not quite.
    Dan Trabue said...
    "An ordinary black boy raised in a single-parent home . . . walked into my office 20 years ago to talk about his dream for a community that concentrated on things that we could achieve in common."

    It sounds as if in context Wright was talking about the changes from "this ordinary black boy" - meaning literally, an ordinary black boy - grew up to be this powerful leader and quite likely our next president.

    Sounds like a contextual thing.

    Besides, I would hope you'd recognize the difference (again, contextually) between a older mentor and black man referring to another younger black man as a boy and a white man using the same language.

    Context matters.
    Craig said...
    At one point there was much discussion here regarding the relative behaviors of dems v. gop. Well, I thought I'd chime in since I haven't seen much on this from the national media.

    So far after one (that's right one) day of the gop convention we have:

    123 felony arrests with a significant number of those arrested refusing to identify themselves (I was always told that you must identify yourself when stopped/arrested) to the police/court system. (not to mention a significant number of gross misdemeanors)

    Windows broken in downtown St. Paul

    Car tires slashed (police and media)

    "anarchists" arrested in possion of the following; nails (to throw in front of vehicles, buckets of urine, and the makings of cocktails (molotov that is)

    the "president" of the "hip hop congress" responding to the above window damage sating "it's just a brick"

    reports that the anti war demonstrators response to counter demonstrators using language that was vile and hateful.

    If I may say, it's bad enough here with our homegrown liberals (Al Franken) please stop sending us yours.

    Y'all must be so proud.

    This might have gotten a little more national play except most of the vultures sorry journalists went to the gulf to see the cat 5, no 4, no 3, no 2 hurricane miss New Orleans.

    Sorry this is off topic for this post feel free to move/remove it if you want.
    Erudite Redneck said...
    Re, "Y'all must be so proud."

    Truth is, actually, I AM prouder of the fringe of my party speaking their piece and being willing to go to jail for it than I am the lies the mainstream of the Republican Party routinely tells to the cameras, the rank-and-file and the American people in general.

    I had some respect for Sen. Fred Thompson until just now, when he looked to the delegates, and the cameras, and LIED about what Obama said was "above my pay grade."

    Thompson, it turns out, is as big a loser as every other Republican office holder I have ever, ever known.

    And I'm sure *you're* proud.

    I think I'll go puke now.
    Erudite Redneck said...
    Also, I don't see the "boy" reference as racist within the context. You see what you want to see.
    Erudite Redneck said...
    Oh, sorry. I just *thought* I wsas gagging. Lieberman is on now. Y'all can have him.
    Marshal Art said...
    I watched the Thompson address. Don't recall any lie. To what are you referring? If there was any lie, it was Obama's answer to Warren's question. More of a dodge than a lie, to be technical, but dishonest nonetheless. It's obvious that he has some kind of line of demarcation regarding when the unborn are entitled to rights, particularly the right to life, as he has been foursquare in support of abortion for any reason. Why the dodge? Because the audience was likely pro-life and he's too cowardly to state his case. It was this cowardice to which Thompson's remarks took aim. That's one heapin' helpin' O Kool-Aid your drinkin', ER. Spiked it with Dickel, did ya?
    Anonymous said...
    Thompson's comment, as prepated:

    "And we need a President who doesn't think that the protection of the unborn or a newly born baby is above his pay grade."

    I don't believe this qualifies as a lie, particularly because Obama has so consistently voted against protecting, not only the unborn, but newborn survivors of abortion. But if ER thinks this sentence was reprehensible, surely he also thinks the same of Obama's new ad, which claims that a President McCain would "make abortion illegal."

    That ad's dishonesty will prompt ER to vomit, right?
    Anonymous said...
    ER has long ago swallowed so many lies that he thinks black is white and good is bad and he is PROUD of it. I did have hope for him, but after a while I've about lost all hope. So much education and so little insight. mom2
    Anonymous said...
    The "making abortion illegal" comment shows that Obama is either dishonest and/or ignorant of how the law works.

    If Roe is overturned, it doesn't make abortion illegal at the Federal level. It just returns rights to the states.

    So you'll be able to go to California, NY, Massachusetts, or any number of liberal states to have your children crushed and dismembered. It's your choice!

    Yes, the pro-aborts will wail about how the poor don't have the access to kill their unborn children like the rich do, but I'm sure they can set up a charity with their own $$ to fund travel costs.
    Erudite Redneck said...
    Re, "
    "And we need a President who doesn't think that the protection of the unborn or a newly born baby is above his pay grade."

    I don't believe this qualifies as a lie"

    THEN, Bubba, YOU are a liar, or an idiot. The question asked was "When does life begin?" And THAT is above his pay grade as POTUS.

    I say it begins at conception. The difference is I believe in giving the mother, a living, breathing, grown-up human being, more rights.
    Anonymous said...
    Your lack of outrage at Obama's ad, claiming that President McCain would outlaw abortion, is duly noted, ER, as is an apparent absence of an objection to the Obama's campaign's consistent efforts to misconstrue McCain's statement about being willing to stay in Iraq.

    Fred Thompson did NOT actually say that Obama said, "the protection of the unborn or a newly born baby is above his pay grade." What Thompson said is not a lie.

    By writing that Fred "LIED about what Obama said was 'above my pay grade,'" you are almost certainly guilty of exactly what you're accusing him of -- namely, willful dishonesty.

    It is not the most precise formulation for a convention speech, and can thus be criticized for its lack of precision in attacking both Obama's evasive answer regarding when life begins and his very clear record regarding even the sanctity of those infants who survive abortions and are literally born alive. But that doesn't qualify as a lie.

    "And we need a President who doesn't think that the protection of the unborn or a newly born baby is above his pay grade."

    The only way this statement could be a lie is if Barack Obama did believe in protecting the unborn and the newly born. He clearly does not.
    Anonymous said...
    In lieu of an entry on Palin's speech, I do have to note one thing she said about cutting government waste in Alaska.

    "I got rid of the personal chef, and I admit, sometimes my kids sure miss her."

    That's horrible. She's practically admitting that she's starving her poor children. Clearly, politics is too much for this poor woman and her poor family, and she shouldn't be running for any higher office. She should be made to resign from her current office and arrested for child neglect, and possibly even child abuse.

    And believe me, I'm saying this from a depth of compassion and concern that wells up from within me, for that poor yokel family, and I am repulsed by anybody who would dare question my sincerity.
    Al-Ozarka said...
    "I say it begins at conception. The difference is I believe in giving the mother, a living, breathing, grown-up human being, more rights."- The Right Reverend Redneck

    A little contradictory there, eh?'re saying, Dear Rev, that one life is more valuable than another and that one living human-being has the right to murder another living human-being?

    Give a leftist a little rope...

    And pray for the pigmies!
    Al-Ozarka said...
    Eric, did you 86 one of your posts?
    Anonymous said...
    "The question asked was "When does life begin?" And THAT is above his pay grade as POTUS."

    Maybe he could ask someone who has read an embyrology textbook. It is a scientific fact, not a philosophical debate.

    "I say it begins at conception. The difference is I believe in giving the mother, a living, breathing, grown-up human being, more rights."

    The right to . . . crush and dismember her unborn child. Just completing the sentence.
    Erudite Redneck said...
    So say y'all.

    I said what I meant.
    Erudite Redneck said...
    No person should have the right to crawl up between a woman's legs, literally or figuratively, and direct her actions. Period. The decision, the repercussions, physical, emotional, spiritual -- all of it -- are hers. No one elses.

    It's a hellaciously tough call. Y'all call it one way, and I call it another.

    And this is incorrect on its face: "It is a scientific fact, not a philosophical debate." It is a philosophical debate about sets of scientific facts, couched in a complicated system of government in a diverse society. That's what it is.
    Anonymous said...
    The decision, the repercussions, physical, emotional, spiritual -- all of it -- are hers. No one elses.>>

    My question concerning that, ER is then why should the government sanction it and tax us to pay for it and all the other things that Obama wants us to do. This issue was not brought on the scene by Republicans, but by liberal justices that the Democrats love to appoint. mom2
    Erudite Redneck said...
    Well, I'm not sure the government "sanctions" it, directly, than it sanctions, say, me sitting here in this recliner. As for this: "tax us to pay for it" -- I'd say that while it might offend you mightily, me too -- I am mortified that my tax money has been used to fight this asinine war in Iraq, to kill countless of "the enemy" and to lead to the death of, what, 3,000-plus Americans?

    Somebody figures out a way for each of us to keep our money for paying for things each of us doesn't approve of, yet still maintain the federal government in general, and I'd be all for it.
    Al-Ozarka said...
    "No person should have the right to crawl up between a woman's legs, literally or figuratively, and direct her actions." - The Right Reverend Dumbass

    On the other hand, a woman DOES have the right to reach between her own legs and murder the child to who she gave life.

    Great logic there Reverend Einstein!
    Anonymous said...
    "It's a hellaciously tough call."

    Why? If it is because a human being is being murdered, then that would make it a less-than-hellaciously tough call, in my book. You would protect life.

    Same thing if it doesn't kill an innocent human being. Not a difficult call at all. Have all the abortions you like.

    The psychological situation is challenging, given the pressures the woman may have.

    But morally speaking, this issue is very simple.
    Erudite Redneck said...
    Re, "On the other hand, a woman DOES have the right to reach between her own legs"


    Neil: Morally speaking? Yer right. But we're not talking about morality in a vacuum. We're talking about morality within a free society. Not. Simple. At. All.

    Make it less free, and you'll win -- by making a bunch of women slaves to yer view.

    Sorry. Very, very complicated.
    Marshal Art said...
    "Make it less free, and you'll win -- by making a bunch of women slaves to yer view."

    Yeah. Like we made a whole bunch of Southerners slaves to our views when we outlawed slavery. It's human life here as well. Not make it less free, make it illegal in most cases. Like Southerners, women will make different choices to avoid putting themselves in that situation. The choices will result in fewer conceptions and fewer kids at risk. Women will have more ammo in the "who's more mature" debate that always rages between sexes. It's all good.

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