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Chickens Roast01

It takes all kinds, I guess. Some folk want to worship God, some want to worship themselves. Today, a good many have chosen to worship the earth. Fine, if that's their thing. I think it's loopy but more power to them.

Same to folk like Glenn Beck who, in lieu of his own celebration, chose to ask his listeners to celebrate Earth Day with chainsaws and timber. The problem here is not the fact that some are choosing to participate in an anti-celebration of Earth Day, but rather, to my mind, the problem lies in the waste created by destroying life just to "irk the tree-huggers."

It's pointless. It's wasteful. It reeks of sin.

I call the revolt against Earth Day "shiny"-- a good thing, so long as it's in the spirit of honest debate, but not this... One caller to the Glenn Beck show crossed the line today. "Rick"-- the aforementioned dim bulb --joked about his intent to squeeze six whole chickens onto his grill and cook them to charred, blackened, inedible husks. What an idiot.

It's bad enough our food supply is tainted by government, drugged and abused by producers, and generally not fit to eat, but now this jackass wants to go one better and make the miserable lives a few living breathing feeling animals, who were born for only one thing-- and likely mistreated in the process --worth even less.

This jerk may not have to worry about where his next meal is coming from, but plenty of people in his community do. And for those who haven't noticed, Hunger is not confined to any one person's community. It's a worldwide problem... an EARTH thing.

And it's a waste. It's akin-- it's actually worse --to the rich man giving poor Lazarus the crumbs from his table. This "Rick" would waste food just to jab it in the eyes of a bunch of Earth worshipers.

I have no problem with anyone choosing to protest the celebration of Earth Day. There are just better ways to go about it. Wasting food, especially animals which live their lives for the sole ignoble purpose of providing food for thoughtless bastards.

No, I am not a vegetarian. But Rick is officially an asshole.

1 Comment:

  1. Marshal Art said...
    A bit after the fact, but I agree. A friend of mine, a flaming liberal, emailed me a note about the usual things and instead of a "yours truly", he ended with "Happy Earth Day". In my response I said,

    "Is it Earth Day already? Must not forget my annual celebration of tossing fast food wrappers out my car window on the way home from bowling."

    But of course, I don't litter. Opposition to the tree huggers doesn't mean I don't try to be a good steward of God's green earth. I gotta live here, too.

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