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Let me ask you a question. Does God exist? And if so, which culture's interpretation of Him is most accurate? Is Hindu's depiction of the supreme being ("beings" in the case of the Hindu) the most faithful to what God Himself has revealed to man? What about Islam? Is Islam's vision of God the most faithful interpretation-- His intent and motives towards man? How about Judaism? Christianity? Which of these four major philosophies are the truest expression of the God of the Universe-- assuming He does indeed exist? What can we know about God from the teachings of each of these four disciplines?

Hinduism: from

The most well-known Hindu saying about religion is: "Truth is one; sages call it by different names."

However, there are some beliefs common to nearly all forms of Hinduism that can be identified, and these basic beliefs are generally regarded as boundaries outside of which lies either heresy or non-Hindu religion. These fundamental Hindu beliefs include: the authority of the Vedas (the oldest Indian sacred texts) and the Brahmans (priests); the existence of an enduring soul that transmigrates from one body to another at death (reincarnation); and the law of karma that determines one's destiny both in this life and the next.

Note that a specific belief about God or gods is not considered one of the essentials, which is a major difference between Hinduism and strictly monotheistic religions like Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Sikhism. Most Hindus are devoted followers of one of the principal gods Shiva, Vishnu or Shakti, and often others besides, yet all these are regarded as manifestations of a single Reality.

The ultimate goal of all Hindus is release (moksha) from the cycle of rebirth (samsara). For those of a devotional bent, this means being in God's presence, while those of a philosophical persuasion look forward to uniting with God as a drop of rain merges with the sea.

"As a drop of rain merges with the sea"? Is that all God is? A bucket that eternally collects drops of water that drip from a cosmic spigot? Occasionally dropping some that evaporate and eventually find their way back to the spigot?

Naturally, as anyone who knows my religious bent can tell you, I reject this altogether. God is not so impersonal and devoid of compassion as to create us (assuming He does anything of the sort, according to the Vedas) only to take all our experiences upon death and absorb them for Himself, stripping the soul of any sense of personal identity.

What about Islam? Despite what the many Muslim websites that seek to educate westerners say, according to one Muslim convert to Christianity,

" a Muslim you don’t know if you go to heaven or not, because God is going to review your past, and it depends on how much good you’ve done. He decides. I wouldn’t know."
In fairness to the genuine teachings of Islam, the Qu'ran teaches that Faith, not Works, gets one into heaven... or so say some Muslims. Most of modern Islam accepts "Suicide as Martyrdom" as a tenet of Islam. They accept terrorism as a legitimate tool of jihad. They accept the subjugation and brutalization of women. They accept the desire to see Israel utterly destroyed as a sanctioned tenet of Islam. In this, Islam and Christianity have one thing in common: They are both confused about what their sacred texts actually say. Another difference is, the teachings of Qu'ran are both confusing and contradictory from one Surah to the next. In contrast, Christianity (again, my personal bias is showing)-- it's text, the Bible --is a unified manuscript in both theme and message, despite being written by 40 writers over a period of some 1600 years. The Qu'ran cannot boast this even though written by a single man over the span of a single lifetime. To further cast doubt upon the Qu'ran is the division that occurred shortly after the death of Mohammed-- Shia and Sunni. Islam has been in conflict with itself ever since.

As to Christianity, it is an out-flowing from Judaism, a religion it is completely compatible with despite Christianity's rejection of Temple worship and many of the Levitical laws. All of Judaism is fulfilled and rolled over (401k-like) into Christianity in some form; Christ, second member of the Godhead and God incarnate, is the fulfillment of Old Testament worship.

Many non-believers view the teachings of the Bible as confusing, and to one extreme, a religion of blood. The difference here is not that blood permeates 'the muslin of the remission of sins, and of salvation,' but that it is the blood of a single man, the blood of God Himself, and not the blood of untold millions of infidels, the enemies of Allah.

The world, right now, is caught up in a moral struggle the likes of which the world has never seen. Three religions vie for dominance of the hearts and minds of peoples and cultures across the globe-- Atheism, Islam, and Judeo-Christianity. Atheism and Islam are both on the rise and account for the majority of hearts and minds in the world today. The Judeo-Christian faith has never been in dominance, though it has dominated era's. Christianity, unlike atheism, Islam, or even Hinduism is different in that no one is "born" a Christian. One must choose, in the fullness of one's allotted time, to be "born again"-- Christianity is a faith that depends solely upon volunteerism. The ranks of Christianity comprise what can only be described as a wholly "volunteer" army. Islam on the other hand, again in fine contradictory fashion, views man as created with free will for the sole purpose of obeying and serving God-- Born a Muslim, supposedly with free will, but given no choice but to obey and serve.

Setting Islam aside for a moment, if you judge the state of the world based upon atheism/human progressivism alone; the tenets they espouse, practice, and seek to impose upon the world, these are just some of the results:

Modern Slavery
  • There are more slaves in the world today than in any other time in history, some 27 million.
  • Bought for an average cost of only $90.

  • Scientists have created mice with human brains cells by injecting mice embryos with human embryonic stem cells.
  • There are about 42 million abortions per year, or about 1.3 every second.

  • About half of male homosexuals die before age 42.
  • 78% of homosexuals are affected by sexually transmitted diseases.

  • Colombia, the Netherlands (Holland) and Belgium have legalized euthanasia.
  • 68% of the elderly in the Netherlands fear being killed without their consent.

  • The ACLU defended the website of the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), which provides guidance on how to seduce and sexually molest boys without getting caught, yet sued to prevent the singing of Christmas Carols in public facilities.
  • ACLU’s founder Roger Baldwin stated,” I am for socialism, disarmament, and, ultimately, for abolishing the state itself… I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and the sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal.”

Proof of God’s Existence
  • If an E. coli bacterium were disassembled into its component parts (atoms), the probability that it would spontaneously reassemble is estimated at one chance in 10100,000,000,000.
  • How big is this number? Compare it to the number of atoms in the universe, which is 1080, and impossibility or the miraculous, which is anything less than 1 chance in 1050.

The Evolution Lie
  • Proteins are needed to make DNA, yet DNA is needed to make the proteins that make the DNA!
  • Evolution cannot explain how a system with multiple subsystems like the eye can evolve when all of the parts are needed for the system to function as a whole but none of the parts alone confer any survival advantage and so would not have been concentrated in the population.

Global Warming Scam
  • Manmade CO2 is less than 1/1000th of total greenhouse gases. Water is by far the most predominant greenhouse gas!
  • Newsweek stated in 1975 that global COOLING evidence has “begun to accumulate so massively that meteorologists are hard-pressed to keep up with it.”

World Government
  • The European Union was formed by stealth over a fifty-year period by first uniting economically, which created the political infrastructure. It was then only a small step to political union. Before Europeans knew what hit them, the sovereignty of their countries was surrendered to the EU.
  • The same thing is being engineered in America today by members of the CFR, Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg Group, globalist groups which have infiltrated the highest levels of power.
  • "The precondition for eventual and genuine globalization is progressive regionalization," Zbigniew Brzezinski, CFR member, Trilateral Commission cofounder, Bilderberg member, former National Security Advisor under Trilateralist Jimmy Carter.

This is what the world is like WITHOUT adding Islam to the mix. This is what the world is like WITHOUT Christianity as a major guiding influence in the affairs of men and governments.

Christianity has never been able to build God's Kingdom on earth-- it is not within the Church's pervue --because man has genuine free will. Each and every man, woman and child born beneath the sun must choose to accept Christ and have his or her heart changed. Most will never choose Christ over the world. Christianity doesn't seek to impose itself upon the world (which is why there is so much darkness in the world). But Islam does.

I have more to say on this, but time is my enemy. More later.


  1. Mark said...
    I don't mean to appear snarky. Only informative, but regarding your post's title:

    Muslin is a kind of cloth. As you well know. You might want to think about editing before some snarky Liberal discovers the typo.

    I'll likely have more to say after I read the entire post.
    Mark said...
    Eric, RE: "Most of modern Islam accepts "Suicide as Martyrdom" as a tenet of Islam. They accept terrorism as a legitimate tool of jihad. They accept the subjugation and brutalization of women. They accept the desire to see Israel utterly destroyed as a sanctioned tenet of Islam."

    I wouldn't say "most Muslims"

    I would say, rather, a very vocal and violent minority of Muslims.

    Now, I continue to read. (pssst! It's very good, so far!)
    Eric said...
    I was trying to be clever... punnish... but I left out an article.
    Mark said...
    Proof of God’s Existence

    * If an E. coli bacterium were disassembled into its component parts (atoms), the probability that it would spontaneously reassemble is estimated at one chance in 10100,000,000,000.

    I agree that God made the E. coli bacterium as well as everything else, but why make an example of a negative? Why not break down the chances of a human body spontaneously assemble from one cell of sludge that happened to crawl out of some primordial soup?

    Critics might point to the obvious conclusion of "Why would God make something as lethal as E.coli? That doesn't sound like a 'loving God'!"

    Seems to me, using that as an example of Creation would be asking for trouble from the likes of Feodor and Dan Trabue.

    But, hey! It's your blog. What do I know?
    Mark said...
    " * Proteins are needed to make DNA, yet DNA is needed to make the proteins that make the DNA!
    * Evolution cannot explain how a system with multiple subsystems like the eye can evolve when all of the parts are needed for the system to function as a whole but none of the parts alone confer any survival advantage and so would not have been concentrated in the population.

    This is just as good evidence of creation as the example I already pointed out.
    Mark said...
    Obama and those like him are seeking to create a one-world utopian society, which, as you so ably pointed out, is impossible because men have God-given free will.

    When Jesus returns (and, if things keep regressing the way they are, it will be very soon) He will create such a society and we will love it!
    Eric said...
    E-Coli is not entirely lethal. Lethal to some, yes, but not everyone who contracts E-Coli dies. Perhaps its an immunity thing. The Standard American Diet has SEVERELY depressed our immune systems. People die of disease, primarily, because of weakened immune systems, and that includes Cancer, Parkinsons, Leukemia, etc. Even strokes and heart attacks can be contributed to, in no small measure (though not entirely), a weakened immunity system.
    Eric said...
    "WE" will love it, yes, but many will NOT. Remember, He will rule with an iron rod-- it will be a dictatorship. Many who survive the Tribulation, and are allowed into the Millennium, will in time reject Him. They will rebel.

    Back to the subject, Obama and others seek to do the impossible even in the face of historical evidence that attempts to create "Utopianistic" societies have always failed.

    But hey! Barack is the Messiah. He will succeed where others have failed.
    BenT - the unbeliever said...
    The facts at the end are not "what the world is like WITHOUT Christianity as a major guiding influence in the affairs of men and governments."

    If they are current facts then they reflect the world as it is with all the major religions. There is no way to separate out the influence of religion in the current state of the world.

    I also want to point out that EL's view of religions paints them as static monuments of homogeneous belief. This is a fallacy.

    Christianity itself is constantly changing and splintering and reshaping itself. The beliefs of an Evangelical Christian would be seen as heresy by Christians even 300 years ago.

    To think that Islam and Hindu and other major religions are not subject to the same societal and philosophical pressures as Christianity is illogical.

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