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The article itself "exposes" Rick Santorum's grandfather as a "communist". This site-- specifically Joel McDurmon --supports Ron Paul. Personally speaking, I like Ron Paul; I like his constitutional stances, but with one caveat... his foreign policy stance as it relates to constitutionality. It's one thing to say we shouldn't be in all of the countries we are, war footing or otherwise, but it's quite another to publicly declare one's intention to close military bases worldwide and end all conflicts, period.

The object this November is to defeat Obama. But if, as American Vision advocates, you eliminate Romney (he's Mormon!), Gingrich (he's an adulterer!), and Santorum (his grandfather was a communist!), all you're left with is Paul.... who is unelectable. I am as equally tired of the left deciding for us who our candidate will be, as I am of many on the right deciding who our candidate shouldn't be. And I'm tired of sites like American Vision News, operating under the pretense of morality, and facade of Christianity, practicing the politics of personal destruction in the "noble" cause of pushing its own vision of America, rather than the America our Christian forefathers fought to give us.

Presently, American Vision, is pushing Ron Paul; so much so it bends over backward to paint him as the only saintly choice, at the expense of every other candidate who, according to, and distorted by American Vision, are unfit and undeserving of every man of conscience's vote.

My comment to the question of the relevance of Santorum's grandfather's association with the communist party in Italy during Mussolini's fascist regime...

It isn't relevant; we criticize the left for being blatant in their bias, but it would seem the "right" is just as biased, just as churlish as the left. The son is not the grandfather.

This site calls itself "American Vision", but I'm beginning to see the vision it purports to defend is its own... not America's. This site purports to be advancing "faith", but it forgets that our faith originates in Christ... not the republican party or any pet politician.

If you want to take a look at family backgrounds, why not look at Jesus'? One of his ancestors was a bastard, Pharez, whose mother 'played the harlot.' Another ancestor, Salmon-- David's great grandfather --whose mother was Rahab, a harlot. Ruth, another of Jesus' ancestors was a Moabitess-- whose ancestry began with one of Lot's sons.... through incest. The way this site portrays its least desired candidates, it's clear that Jesus himself couldn't get elected president in America, let alone offered a pastorship. Everywhere I look, I see Pharasees.

And, as I thought would happen. Mr. McDurmon has deleted my comment.

Not only does the left employ the crudest form of personal destruction, so too, it now appears, do many on the right.

I expect this kind of behavior from the left. I even expect it from many on the right. But when Christians resort to the politics of personal destruction it becomes obvious that there is something very wrong with Christianity in America. In truth, much of what passes for Christianity in America today is anything but Christian.


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