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2012 CPAC Highlights

Amen! As in, I concur; it's true; so it is. But let me be clear: this is not about supporting CPAC, which is a political conference, but rather an exercise in approbation for those things that, as a Christian, I feel need repeating; or pointing out-- affixing a little punctuation to. Some who are watching CPAC will only see and hear the things that speak to Nov 6, 2012. I believe that's important too, but not near as important as stemming the godless tide that's rising in this nation.

Yes, I said, 'godless'. And I meant that exactly how you thought I meant it.

Jay Sekulow: “We are witnessing the the greatest attack on religious freedom and it goes way beyond the Catholic Church.”

“Compromise is not acceptable,” Sekulow said. “You don’t compromise on the First Amendment.”

Santorum to Conservatives: “You Are Blessed to Live In a Time When America Needs You.” [Video]
“It’s not about contraception... its about economic freedom, it’s about religious freedom. It is government controlling your life, and it’s got to stop.”

Kirk Cameron: The Founding of America is “Monumental” [video]
“The meaning of separation of church and state has lost its original meaning,” Cameron said. “It’s now a codeword for secularizing the state."
 [Amen, brother!]

Obama vs The Constitution: How a Harvard Law Graduate President is Shredding the Constitution
“Nowhere in the Constitution does it give the White House and a bunch of appointees the right to tell us where we can move as citizens, and businesses ought to be able to move where they want to create jobs."

The RIGHT View - Panel Discussion:
S.E. Cupp, Author of "Losing Our Religion: The Liberal Media's Attack on Christianity"
Michelle Duggar, from TLC's "19 Kinds & Counting"
Star Parker, founder & president of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education
Kate Obenshain, vice president of the Young America's Foundation

Dinesh D.Souza - Where will we be in 2016
"[Obama] says, 'I can't have my dad, so I'll take his dream.' That's the meaning of Dreams From My Father. And I think that if you take the anti-colonial ideology from the father and apply it to the actions of the son, you will see a jigsaw pattern come together."

The Honorable Newt Gingrich
"This administration is waging war on religion. But so are the courts. This is why we need a movement that's bigger than just 'Beating Obama.' We need a movement that understands we're going to change congress, the White House, the buracracies, and where necessary, the courts.... If [Obama] wins reelection he will wage war on the Catholic church the morning after he's reelected. We cannot trust him."

Governor Bobby Jindal
"Yesterday the administration finally began backtracking on their most recent assault on religious liberty-- to some extent, finally realizing their mistake. But here's the important thing to understand: you and I know their mistake the Obama administration made here was to violate the first amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America. But the administration doesn't even admit it; they don't even get it. They don't even understand what religious freedom means. The real mistake they actually made was this: the very briefly let the American people see what is behind that curtain; they gave us a glimpse of their true colors."

Europe Sees You in the Rearview Mirror
Daniel Hannan, Member, European Parliament and President, Young Britons' Foundation
"If you repeat [Europe's] mistakes; if you shift power from the fifty states to Washington; from the elected representative to the federal czar; from the citizen to the state, we know exactly what lies in store for you. 

"I've been a member of the European Parliament for twelve years. I am living in your future-- or at least the future toward which your present leaders seem intent on taking you. Believe me, my friends, you are not going to enjoy it."

The Honorable Sarah Palin - Closing Address of the 2012 CPAC Convention
"His plan isn't winning the future, it's losing the country."


  1. BenT - the unbeliever said...
    Santorum #CPAC introducer opens w/ joke: A conservative, a moderate, & a liberal walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Hi, Mitt."

    — David Corn (@DavidCornDC) February 10, 2012
    Eric said...
    That's actually funny!
    Marshal Art said...
    I agree. It IS funny. But don't tell a lefty because we're not supposed to have a sense of humor.

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