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Though this speech was made almost a year ago, it is much more relevant in its warnings about a nuclear Iran than yesteryear... and Israel's eventual decision to do what no other nation on earth has a willingness to do.

The entire debate speech is 11 minutes long, and all of it excellent, but the portion I wish to highlight begins at 9:10...

"When a tyrant says he wants to kill you... Believe him."
This is the lesson the Jewish people learned from World War 2; from Hitler's regime. How can the West sit back and watch it all unfold again? What shame would this nation have heaped upon itself had, upon hearing Jews in Hitler's Germany were defending themselves against that mad man's "Final Solution", condemning the Jews for their aggression, while doing nothing to stop Hitler but, rather, giving U.S. aid to Germany?

But that is exactly what we're doing today. Aiding those who attack Israel, while condemning Israel for defending itself.

There is something seriously wrong with this picture.

Why can't the West see it?

One word...



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