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Pumpkin Pies: (2) from scratch
(Stevia instead of sugar)

1 was put in the freezer for baking Thursday morning, the other was baked for immediate consumption, and boy howdy! Was that one mighty fine pie. The best thing? Stevia has no glycemic value, which means I can enjoy pie without having to worry about my blood-sugar spiking.

Cream of Mushroom Soup
: (20oz) from scratch

Have to avoid the MSG and other less than desireable additives in the Campbells Soup, so I opted to make my own soup for green bean caserole.

Fresh Green Beans: (2 lbs)

Cut and cooked in preparation for the caserole thursday morning.

Tomorrow morning will be a busy one as well...

And yes, EL can cook. He's spent 15 years in kitchens, under chefs and a-holes, and cooks better than most women he knows... Including Mom. Although! There are a few things she does better than me, but that's just because she won't give me her recipes!


  1. Anonymous said...
    It's settled then...I'm coming over to your place tomorrow! ;)
    Anonymous said...
    Yummy. I batched it until I was 33, and I like to eat. I'm a fair hand in the kitchen myself. :-)

    Can you use Splenda?
    Anonymous said...
    I could use splenda-- it wouldn't affect my blood-sugar levels, but I've read and heard enough about Splenda to make me more than a bit leary. I do know, for instance, that Sodium Nitrite/Nitrate coupled with Nutrasweet, once broken down in the stomach form a chemical compound that is known to be the most powerful tumor causing agent in lab rats, which means...

    ...sandwiches with luncheon meats, hot dogs, or a slice of pepperoni pizza eaten with a diet soda, is a recipe for brain cancer... specifically.

    Perhaps I'm paranoid, but since there are natural alternatives in terms of sweetners, I see no need to take any chances. This way, if I break down and have Subway, or a slice of pizza-- especially since I haven't had a soda of any stripe since mid September, I needn't worry too much about the Nitrites/Nitrates as I'm a water guy now.

    But if I were to use sugar-- and I sometimes do, in baking --I opt for the organic brands. It's grainier and not as white, but at least it's natural... as in 'unprocessed'.

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